Saturday 23 February 2013

Fashion Hero - Peggy Guggenheim

From August 1939 to April 1940 Peggy Guggenheim writes: “Having plenty of time and all the museum’s funds at my disposal, I put myself on a regime to buy one picture a day.” When finished, she had acquired ten Picassos, forty Ernsts, eight Mirós, four Magrittes, three Man Rays, three Dalís, one Klee, one Wolfgang Paalen and one Chagall among others…

Peggy Guggenheim, a collector of art, friend of the talented people. A legend in her own right. She sounds like someone I would have liked to meet, hang out with and possibly steal her awesome glasses collection. 

So as the first of my personal Fashion Hero's to be featured on here the blog, I went out into London town to the Man Ray exhibition at The National Portrait Gallery, dressed inspired by Peggy.

The exhibit is pretty awesome, I would recommend if you are a fan of portrait photography, especially from the 1920's.

I thought it was quite fitting as one of my favourite Man Ray photos is of Peggy herself:)

Definitely check it out if you in and around london.

Happy Saturday Lovelys!!!

1 comment:

  1. The interesting thing about man ray is many of his most famous images were actually produced by lover/apprentice Lee Miller. Man Ray owes a fair amount of his fame to Miller, for together during their 3 year affair they virtually trademarked solarisation photography. Surrealism sucks though, dali had his mits in everyone.
